
What is Freestyle Stroke? Understanding the Basics and Beyond

January 23, 2024

Freestyle stroke, often simply referred to as ‘freestyle’, is the most popular and fastest of the swimming strokes. In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of freestyle stroke, its benefits, and how private swim lessons, like those offered by Swim Scottsdale, can help you master this essential swimming technique.

The Basics of Freestyle Stroke

Freestyle stroke is characterized by its efficiency and speed. Here are its basic components:

  1. The Arm Movement: In freestyle, you alternate your arms as you pull them through the water. Each arm cycle consists of a pull, push, and recovery phase.
  2. The Leg Kick: The flutter kick, a rapid and continuous up-and-down movement of the legs, is used in freestyle. It helps to stabilize the body and contribute to propulsion.
  3. Breathing Technique: Proper breathing is crucial in freestyle. Swimmers typically breathe every two to four strokes by turning their head to the side.

Benefits of Freestyle Stroke

  1. Cardiovascular Fitness: Freestyle swimming is an excellent cardiovascular workout, enhancing heart and lung health.
  2. Muscle Toning and Strength: It engages multiple muscle groups, leading to improved overall strength and muscle tone.
  3. Flexibility: The stroke promotes flexibility, especially in the shoulders and hips.
  4. Stress Relief: Like other forms of exercise, swimming can reduce stress levels and improve mental health.

Mastering Freestyle with Swim Scottsdale

At Swim Scottsdale, we understand the importance of mastering the freestyle stroke. Our private swim lessons at your home pool offer several advantages:

  1. Personalized Instruction: Our experienced instructors tailor lessons to your skill level and goals.
  2. Convenience and Comfort: Learn in the familiar environment of your own pool, at times that suit you.
  3. Rapid Progress: One-on-one attention means quicker learning and refinement of technique.


Freestyle stroke is a fundamental skill for any swimmer, whether you’re swimming for fitness, competition, or enjoyment. With Swim Scottsdale’s private swim lessons, you’ll receive expert guidance in mastering this versatile and efficient stroke. Ready to dive into freestyle swimming? Contact Swim Scottsdale at (480) 553-3084 or visit for personalized, convenient swim instruction in your home pool.